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Messages - Scott

Currently, the KoTMF has migrated our chat/forum to a Discord server:
Great to see you this evening Tom.

Ended the brew night right around 22:15, all cleaned up and put away.

The bitter ended up coming in a bit high with an OG of 1.051 🤷 it'll make a nice real ale.

On to the next one.

Probably a NEIPA or a stout...
Sounds good! I'll try to keep posting the brew days/nights on the forum. Thinking of another evening brew in the coming weeks.
Sent you a PM on here.

See you tomorrow night!
Hey Folks.

We've talked about letting each other know when we are going to brew so that anyone interested could join / tag along for the brew.

In that spirit I am looking to brew next on Monday Jan 9th. I'll dough in around 5PM and will wrap up around 10-11PM. No need to stay the whole time or even make the beginning of the brew evening.

This will be on my 3 vessel electric HERMS setup. I'll be brewing an English Bitter for a real ale that will get packaged into a pin/cask and served on beer engine. Going to be an easy brew.

I'd be happy to post these brew evenings more broadly and open it up to new folks that are interested in learning about brewing and not just club participants.

Drinking is allowed, but I won't typically imbibed until things are deep into the boil / whirlpool.

Near future my schedule looks like NEIPA (haven't done a NEIPA in over a year) and a Stout/Porter. Will post timing on those as things firm up.

Public Forum / Re: Brewing Software
August 25, 2021, 07:36:05 AM
Thanks for sharing, that is pretty slick! Do you create a new sheet for every batch? Do you use something like Bru-n-water for water / ph calculations?

Being a recovering engineer I'd have to switch the it to metric but I could see myself being able to use something like that.
Public Forum / Re: Brewing Software
August 19, 2021, 03:23:05 PM
I use to just do a very simple approach to brew day. I'd tweak a recipe in BeerSmith or older software and write all my steps into a notepad and then record a few things along the way like mash temp, OG/FG, weather, date, time. It actually worked really well but I found that I didn't go back into my notebook to look for changes and get that into Beersmith.

My current process is to use Brewfather, Tilt hydrometers, I do a much better job at capturing notes about when I pitch yeast, I can see what the fermentation profile looked like, when I added dry hops, how long the batch was on tap, etc. I also started to heavily rely on the inventory functions.

Here's the first imperial stout I've brewed. Going to likely split this into two secondaries and do something different to them. Thinking Cacao Nibs and Coconut in one and maybe coffee or vanilla and Cacao Nibs in the other.

The public facing "share" link doesn't include all my notes, measurements, etc but still fun to share with others.

Of course I missed my OG on a beer this big, didn't worry too much about that and just rolled with it.
Public Forum / Re: Brewing Software
August 17, 2021, 08:11:41 PM
Hard core spreadsheet!  :headbang:  Don't want the "modern" BS 4.0 that is rumored around the corner?
Public Forum / Brewing Software
August 12, 2021, 12:59:58 AM
Curious what people are using these days.

I have a Beersmith 3 license but haven't used it in two years. I switched to Brewfather and haven't looked back.

Love that I can use the software on my phone and brewery PC. The software just works and is a modern update to brewing.
Public Forum / Re: New Forum
August 06, 2021, 08:57:17 AM
Hi Everyone,

Registered up on the new forum. Great meeting some of the club members last night at your August club meeting.

