Knights of the Mashing Fork
Acronyms and Abbreviations Used in Beer & Brewing Discussions
Last Updated: 5/7/07
Taken from multiple (outdated) resources and then updated by Bryan Peretto . Feel free to print for personal use. Webmasters are encouraged to link to this page rather than steal it so it can be centrally updated.
- AA - alpha acid (expressed as percentage, see also IBU and AAU))
- AA - apparent attenuation
- AA - Alpha Amylase
- AAE - alpha amylase enzyme (not generally used---avoid using)
- AAU - alpha acid unit (1 ounce of 1% alpha containing hops)
- AB - Anheuser Busch
- ABC - alcoholic beverage control (or "commission"), state regulatory agencies
- ABC - Anchor Brewing Company (spell out to avoid confusion with above)
- ABV - alcohol by volume
- ABW - alcohol by weight
- ADF - apparent degree of fermentation.
- AE - Apparant Extract
- AFAIK - As far as I know
- AFAIAC - As far as I am concerned
- AHA - American Homebrewers Association
- AoB - Association of Brewers
- APA - American Pale Ale
- ASAP - as soon as possible
- ASBC - American Society of Brewing Chemists
- ATP - Adenosine TriPhosphate (yeast metabolism compound)
- AW - American Wheat
- B3 - Beer Beer and more Beer homebrew supply. (morebeer.com)
- BA - Beta Amylase
- BA - Beer Advocate (over-rated website with rude, beer snob membership)
- BAA - Beers Across America (a "beer of the month" club)
- BAE - beta amylase enzyme (not generally used---avoid using)
- BATF - Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms
- Bbl - barrel (31 gallons in U.S.)
- BBW - Boston Beer Works
- BJCP - Beer Judge Certification Program
- BLAM - Brew Like a Monk (Book)
- BLC - Beer Line Cleaner
- BMC - Bud/Miller/Coors (see NAIL)
- BOP - brew on Premises
- BOS - best of show
- BP - Brewers Publications (Association of Brewers)
- BP - Brewpub
- BP - Black Patent
- BRF - Beer Recipe Formulator (software)
- BT - Brewing Techniques (defunct magazine)
- BTU - British thermal units
- BTW - by the way
- BYO - Brew Your Own (Magazine)
- BVIP - Bourbon Vanilla Imperial Porter (Denny Conn)
- BW - Barleywine
- CaCO3 - calcium carbonate (chalk)
- CAMRA - Campaign for Real ale
- CAP - Classic American Pilsner
- CaSO4 - calcium sulfate (gypsum)
- CIP - Clean-In-Place
- CJOHB - Complete Joy Of HomeBrewing (book)
- CF - counterflow (chiller)
- CFR - Code of Federal Regulations
- CO - carbon monoxide
- CO2 - carbon dioxide
- CPVC - chlorinated polyvinyl choloride (plastic)
- DAB - Dortmunder Actien Brauerei
- DAP - DiAmmonium Phosphate (yeast nutrient)
- D/C - DeWolf Cosyns (malting company)
- DC - Denny Conn
- DE - diatamacious earth (filter)
- DE - diastatic enzyme
- DIS - Dry Irish Stout
- DGB - Designing Great Beers (Book: Daniels)
- DME - dry malt extract (*preferred usage)
- DME - dark malt extract (spell out to avoid confusion with above)
- DME - diastatic malt extract (do NOT use this one)
- DMS - dimethyl sulfide
- DMS - diastatic malt syrup (as in Edme DMS extract)
- DMSO - dimethyl sulfoxide
- DO - Dissolved Oxygen
- DWC - DeWolf Cosyns (malting company)
- EBC - European Brewers' Convention (color scale)
- EE - extract efficiency (not generally used, avoid)
- EKG - East Kent Goldings (hops)
- EM - EasyMasher (Jack Schmidling Production)
- ESB - extra special bitter
- FAN - free amino nitrogen
- FAQ - frequently asked question
- F/C - The difference between a lab fine crush percentage and coarse crush percetage of a certain size granule (malt index)
- FB - False Bottom
- FDA - Food & Drug Administration
- FG - final gravity
- FTP - file transfer protocol
- FV - fermentation vessel
- FWH - first wort hopping
- FWIW - for what it's worth
- G - Gallons
- g - grams
- GABF - Great American Beer Festival
- GBBF - Great British Beer Festival
- gpm - gallons per minute
- HBD - Homebrew Digest
- HBU - homebrew bittering unit (same as AAU)
- HDPE - high density poly-ethylene (plastic)
- HERMS - Heat Exchange Recirculating Mash System
- HLB - hot liquor bath
- HLT - hot liquor tank
- HR - Head Retention
- HTB - How to Brew (Book)
- HNO3 - nitric acid
- HSA - hot side aeration
- HWBTA - Home Wine & Beer Trade Association
- I2PA - Imperial India pale ale (IIPA)
- IBS - Institute for Brewing Studies (Association of Brewers)
- IBU - international bittering unit, the IBU value is sometimes called "EBU". The value is (grams * alpha acid * % utilization) / (litres * 10)
- ID - inner diameter
- IIRC - If I remember (recall) correctly
- IM - Irish Moss
- IMBR? - Is My Beer Ruined?
- IMHO - in my humble opinion
- IMO - in my opinion
- IOB - Institute of Brewing
- IOW - in other words
- IPA - India pale ale
- IIPA - Imperial India pale ale (I2PA)
- IRA - Irish red ale
- IRC - Internet Relay Chat (beer tasting sessions Tuesday nights,
channel '#tasting')
- JK - Just Kidding
- KotMF - Knights of the Mashing Fork (brewing guild)
- L - degree Lovibond (measure of color)
- L - degree Lintner (spell out to avoid confusion with above)
- LA - low alcohol
- LDPE - Low-Density PolyEthylene (plastic)
- LHBS - Local HomeBrew Store
- LP - liquid propane
- LPG - liquid propane gas
- LSF - Light Struck Flavor (aka skunking)
- LT - lauter tun
- MASB - Mid-Atlantic Small Brewers
- MBAA - Master Brewers Association of America
- M&BS - Malting & Brewing Science
- MD - malto-dextrine (or M-D)
- M&F - Munton & Fison
- MgSO4 - magnesium sulfate (epsom salt)
- MGD - Miller Genuine Draft
- MJ - Michael Jackson
- MBAA - Master Brewers Association of America
- MLD - Mead Lover's Digest
- MLT - Mash lauter tun
- MM - malt mill
- MO - Maris Otter (British 2-row)
- MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheet
- MT - mash tun
- N2 - nitrogen
- NA - non-alcoholic
- NaCHO3 - sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
- NaCl - sodium chloride (table salt)
- NAIL - North American Industrial Lager (ie Bud/Miller/Coors)
- NAYY - No affiliation, yada yada
- NB - Northern Brewer (hops)
- NBLB - New Brewing Lager Beer (Book)
- NCJOHB - New Complete Joy Of HomeBrewing (book)
- NCM - North Country Malt (Grain/Hop seller)
- NE - northeast (or New England---same region)
- NG - natural gas
- NHC - National Homebrew Competition
- NSB - No Sparge Brew(ing)
- O2 - oxygen
- OD - outer diameter
- OG - original gravity
- P - Plato (density measurement, see also SG)
- PBW - Powdered Brewery Wash (Cleaner)
- PDX - Portland, OR / PNW
- pH - potential hydrogen (acidity)
- PET - PolyEthylene Terephthalate (aka polyester) (plastic)
- PITA - pain in the ass
- PNW - Pacific Northwest
- ppg - points per gallon (extract efficiency)
- ppm - part per million (mg/l)
- PRV - Pressure Relief Valve (generally on corny keg lid)
- psi - per square inch
- PU - Pilsner Urquell (preferred use is to spell out)
- PUI - Posting (a message to an online forum) Under the Influence
- PVC - polyvinyl choloride (plastic)
- RA - real attenuation
- RB - Roasted Barley
- RDF - real degree of fermentation
- RCB - rec.crafts.brewing (also r.c.b.)
- RDWHAHB - relax, don't worry, have a homebrew
- RFC - request for comment
- RFDB - rec.food.drink.beer (also r.f.d.b.)
- RIMS - recirculating infusion mash system
- RIS - Russian imperial stout
- RO - reverse osmosis (filtering approach)
- RTFM - read the phvcking manual (usually used in computer discussions)
- RyePA - Rye IPA (see IPA)
- SA - Samuel Adams
- SCP - Sanctioned Competition Program
- SG - specific gravity (density measurement, i.e., dissolved sugar)
- SG - starting gravity (Use OG - Original Gravity)
- SMM - S-methyl methionine
- SNPA - Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
- SO - significant other (husband/wife)
- SRM - American Standard Reference Method (color scale, 0 is water, over 50 is very dark, 20 is copper)
- SS - stainless steel
- SWMBO - She who must be obeyed (the wife/gf/so of a brewer)
- TB - TastyBrew (tastybrew.com)
- TCHBOHB - The Complete Hand Book of Home Brewing (Miller)
- TIA - thanks in advance
- TNCJOHB - The New Complete Joy Of HomeBrewing (book)
- TSP - trisodium phosphate
- TSN - Total Soluble Nitrogen (malt index)
- URL - uniform resource locator (address in WWW)
- VM - Valley Mill
- WAG - wild assed guess
- WK - Windisch Kolbach (also W-K), measure of diastatic power
- WWW - world wide web
- YMMV - your mileage may vary
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