Knights of the Mashing Fork
How to Join the Knights of the Mashing Fork:
If you are interested in joining, e-mail: info@KotMF.com
Or join our discussion group on Discord.
Benefits of Membership:
- Learn from our experienced members and BJCP judges.
- Share and evaluate homebrews and commercial beers.
- Attend club events including meetings, fests, and competitions.
- Save money via our bulk grain discount.
- Join in on club brews on our 45 gal system in Coventry, CT.
- Take home wort from club brews (availability limited, cost associated).
- Additional access to the forum for discussing club business.
Expectations for those considering membership:
- You must be a legal aged person who brews their own beer. ANY level of experience is accepted, however...
- You must be willing to continually improve your brewing and beer appreciation/judging skills. First and foremost, this is a homebrewing club and producing quality beer and fermentables is the main goal.
- Participation on the forum is almost mandatory. This is where club brews, other events, and club business is coordinated and conducted.
- Interested brewers are allowed to, and should, attend club brews and monthly meetings.
- Once you are ready, general membership is open for around $20 to $40 a year. (This is re-evaluated on a yearly basis, but in general, the fee helps fund the club website as well as other projects/events.)
- Paying members will be able to participate in special club events (grain buys, jamborees, parties, pub crawls, competitions), and enter public competitions under the club's name.
- Non-Knights are the last tier of members who will be offered wort from club brews (based on availability), but are always welcome to attend, regardless. There is still the chance to observe, learn, drink, eat, and socialize. Brews are coordinated on the forum.
Get Knighted:
- Paying members who show ongoing, active interest in the club will be asked to join as official Knights and given a club name.
- Knights will receive extra access on the club website and will help shape and run the club.
- Knights are given priority access to club brew wort, but it is still available on a first come RSVP basis via the forum.
Copyright © 2025 - All Rights Reserved - Knights of the Mashing Fork